
20 August 2015

Travel day

Sitting at our gate at Portland Airport (Oregon) awaiting our flight to New York City, from where we plan to fly to Boston tomorrow morning. By noon we expect to be in Portland, Maine, and by evening on Panther Pond.

A week later, my sabbatical year comes to an end with my departure to Russia. And a few days after that, the new academic year begins with warm reunions with familiar colleagues and students, and my first chance to meet new students.

During the days in Maine, I hope to think more about the theme Micah Bales raised recently: "Is it time to get rid of yearly meetings?" (My insightful preliminary answer: "Well, yes and no.") Micah himself directed me to one of the responses to his post: Michael Jay's "rebuttal," which I'll also try to take into worthy account. But in the meantime, I will try to get some desperately needed sleep.

Even a short post needs some blues dessert.

Late, Great Sredni Blows a Slow Blues with Eric Mingus and the Chris Zaloom Band. from Chris Zaloom on Vimeo.
Another tune from the live show at Bearsville with Eric Mingus on vocals and featuring our recently departed friend Sredni Vollmer on harp.

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