16 July 2005

FUM Triennial business session: Retha McCutchen announces resignation

Des Moines, Iowa, USA: It feels a bit strange to be posting live from a Friends meeting for worship for business, but I also wish that many more people could experience the diversity and deep Christ-centered hospitality that marks this Triennial.

I'll write more after the business session is over, but for now I will simply record my mixed feelings about Retha's resignation, announced just now. FUM has been incredibly well served by her competence and integrity and courage. Someday the full story of her role in the renewal of the Ramallah Friends Schools can be told; but in the meantime, I can assure Friends that we owe her much gratitude. Since then, she has brought that same courage and integrity and competence (and amazing loyalty for her colleagues) to the renewal of all of FUM worldwide.

She leaves March 1, 2006. May God be with the General Board of FUM in finding a successor.

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